
Showing posts from July, 2020

Understanding My Viewpoint

              Everyone has doubts. Sometimes we don’t value other’s opinions, but we do find amusement in knowing of what we do or say goes for show. We live to be noticed besides being an extrovert or introvert. That goes for any relationships, we find pleasure of connecting socially with someone who you can be comfortable around.  When I first entered my class virtually, I was pleased to be able to have the opportunity of being someone who can make more connections with others. I became class leader for that reason and to be able to know each one of my classmates. From helping others, I learned some new things little by little about being open-minded and understanding of not knowing everything. Thankfully, I wasn’t alone, thank you Elena, in scramming all the information together.  Yet I didn’t know some students would be messaging late at night with questions.  You can say I learned who are the night owls in this class.               Recently, we had a theme presentation based on

Elena's Disability Presentation Review

     The disability presentation was both really interesting to listen to and to watch come together as a class leader. I think disabilities are a super important thing to stay informed about; the CDC says 1 in 4 people have some type of disability and yet there is still a stigma that disabled individuals are not capable of functioning independently. It's vital to a progressive society to understand where other people are coming from, both to be able to accommodate (such as including ramps in all buildings to make them wheel-chair accessible) but also to not underestimate. Just because a blind person needs braille does not mean they can't understand the topic they are reading about just as well (if not better) as a person with vision can.      As a person who has struggled with mental health issues in the past, the best thing (for me, at least) someone can do, is just listen and learn. The people I am most grateful for in my life are the people who listened to me explain where